Alexa is a new invention that Amazon made. It's hitting the U.S.A.. Alexa is a home device that can tell you the answer to most of your questions. It's a smart home device that can turn on and off lights, your TV, and turn your heat up and down. Alexa is a very helpful source when on the go. You can just say "Alexa" then your question and she'll answer you. I really like how this article was written because it tells you what Alexa can do and how it's helpful. Also another great feature is it has pictures of what Alexa looks like. Alexa can also help with the weather and your alarm clock. Alexa is a great tool when in need. The article also mentions that some self driving cars now use Alexa. How they could use this for when you want music on or if you need to tell the car to take a different route that would be faster. It could also tell the car to speed up. Alexa is a device kind of like siri, it's a intellegent personal assistant that you use by your voice. Alexa is a great assistant.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
An Emoji Bug that will Crash iPhones
Did you know that you can send a text and it will crash someones phone for about 3-5 minutes? Well you can! Just by sending these three emojis, a white flag, the number zero, and a rainbow. As soon as this message is sent it will automatically crash the person's phone, even if they haven't opened it. This bug will only effect you if you have the IOS 8- IOS 10.2. Lastly, if someone sends you this text message you can not copy and paste this message, if you try to, it will close out of your tab. This could be a very good prank, but I would not suggest doing it to someone that you don't know very well. And make sure they have a good sense of humor!
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If you are interested in reading more about this go to
emoji that will crash phone with ISO 10
Do you know how to crash an iPhone well now you can. If you type in certain emojis you can crash the i phone. the emojis are a white flag,0,rainbow.this will crash the I phone for three to five minuets, if you type the code in order. if you type the code differently it will not work.this code will only effect you if you have the IOS 10 or IOS 8. once the message has been delivered it will freeze right away, for 3-5 minutes. even though i have told you about this please don't do this to anyone. this bug will not erase any data or ruin anything you have done. this bug does not work on an androids. this would be a fun prank to try.
for more information go to,
for more information go to,
Emoji that 'crashes' iPhones
There is a new emoji bug that will let you freeze other peoples' phones! If you put in the white flag, a zero, and a rainbow and text it to someone else it will freeze the other person's phone! This bug can freeze someone's phone for 3-5 minutes. This would be a great prank to make someone think their phone is broken! This bug seems to affect iOS 8- iOS 10.2, It was first discovered by the French iOS developer Vincent Desmurs. People think that putting the white flag and the rainbow together your phone will try to make a rainbow flag but putting the zero in interferes and the phone crashes. This bug won't erase any data or put any messages at risk. This bug only works on iPhones, they tested the bug on an android phone and it didn't work. Watch out if your friend ever sends you that text!
Press here to read more!
Press here to read more!
There are so many things you can do with Amazon's technology, Alexa. You can connect it to many different things in your house for example. You can connect Alexa to your home lights and then tell her to turn on the lights. She then will send a signal to the lights in your house and they will turn on. But that's not all there were Alexa compatible air fresheners, self-driving cars, and even refrigerators. But the car company Hyundai is pre-installing Amazon's Alexa in its new self-driving car, Ioniq! This way drivers can turn on their car with voice control. Whirlpool also has many devices that you can connect Alexa too. There are so many things you can do with Amazon's new technology Alexa which is soon to be a huge hit!
JT Capperella
JT Capperella
Monday, January 23, 2017
Watch out for Alexa
Amazon Echo Alexa can do many things that you didn't know it could do. You can ask Alexa some basic questions like, ¨What time is it?" and "What is the weather?".
She can also do some really cool things. She can...
You can download an app for Alexa and download games. Then, it will tell you what to tell Alexa in order to activate the game.
If you want to read more about this visit this link
She can also do some really cool things. She can...
- Tell you a joke
- She can even "open a box of cats":)
- Alexa can "write" a to-do list.
- She can order things on Amazon Turn the lights off and on. Although, for her to turn the lights on and off you need to have special light bulbs.
- You can even arrange a ride with an Uber using Alexa.
You can download an app for Alexa and download games. Then, it will tell you what to tell Alexa in order to activate the game.
If you want to read more about this visit this link
3 ways to use technology to sleep better
😴 😴 😴
3 Ways To Use Technology To Sleep Better
This story explains that technology is helping with sleeping disorders and even death.
It turns out people who only sleep 6 to 7 hours a night, are 4 to 5 times more likely to get into a car crash. If you contiue to deprive yourself of sleep, then it can lead to depression, diabetes, hypertension and even obesity.
But people have created little gadgets to help.
For example the little tech orb, Sense, will track everything going on during the night. The temperature, humidity, noise, and light. There are gadgets like this. Beddit, that keeps track of your heart rate and breathing. Another one, Withings Aura, it goes through light and sound programs to help you sleep.
There are also apps and gadgets that monitor your movement. For example, there are apps called Sleep Better,which can even detect sleeping problems, SleepBot, which comes with a journal to keep track of your sleeping habits, and Sleep Cycle Alarm that all track your movements during the night.
There are even high tech matrasses to help with better sleep. There is Sleep Number, which has sensors to track your breathing, heart rate and movments. There is also Luna, which is a mattress cover that you put onto any mattress to track your breathing rate and heart rate for a while so you can see if your sleep has improved or not.
So it looks like engineers have it figured out. I found this interesting because it is like all of these gadgets are a doctor to help with sleeping. I amnot the only person that is happy about this. People with depression and sleeping disorders will have some hope to overcome those illnesses with these gadgets.

This story explains that technology is helping with sleeping disorders and even death.
It turns out people who only sleep 6 to 7 hours a night, are 4 to 5 times more likely to get into a car crash. If you contiue to deprive yourself of sleep, then it can lead to depression, diabetes, hypertension and even obesity.
But people have created little gadgets to help.
For example the little tech orb, Sense, will track everything going on during the night. The temperature, humidity, noise, and light. There are gadgets like this. Beddit, that keeps track of your heart rate and breathing. Another one, Withings Aura, it goes through light and sound programs to help you sleep.
There are also apps and gadgets that monitor your movement. For example, there are apps called Sleep Better,which can even detect sleeping problems, SleepBot, which comes with a journal to keep track of your sleeping habits, and Sleep Cycle Alarm that all track your movements during the night.
There are even high tech matrasses to help with better sleep. There is Sleep Number, which has sensors to track your breathing, heart rate and movments. There is also Luna, which is a mattress cover that you put onto any mattress to track your breathing rate and heart rate for a while so you can see if your sleep has improved or not.
So it looks like engineers have it figured out. I found this interesting because it is like all of these gadgets are a doctor to help with sleeping. I amnot the only person that is happy about this. People with depression and sleeping disorders will have some hope to overcome those illnesses with these gadgets.

Wristband monitors your blood alcohol content while you drink
Have you ever wanted to track if you had too much to drink? Well, Milo Sensors will help you with that. This band will tell you if you've had one too many. Milo Sensors has a 12-hour battery life, so all night you can be aware. This band displays blood to alcohol ratio ass well as when you will be sober. To tell you enough is enough the band will vibrate. Milo sensors also will be proof of when you are drunk driving. This device will be around $100-$150.
To read more about this go to
To read more about this go to
emojis that will crash your iphone
This is a very interesting article. There is a three word text that will crash your phone for a couple minutes. This is very weird because not everyone who owns an iphone don't know. The three word text is a white flag,0, and a rainbow. Once you send it, the person that receives the text will not be able to open for about 3 minutes. Apple does not know why this is happening but they say not to update your phone. Hopefully more people now know that there is a bug with the phone.
To read more, check out the website:
To read more, check out the website:
New Nintendo System?
The Nintendo Switch is the latest Nintendo gaming system. The Nintendo Switch can be played on a TV or on the go. The two "Joy-cons" make controllers on the side of the switch. The switch is available for $299.99 and goes too retail on March 3, 2017. The players can remove the 6.2 inch screen out of the system and play. The switch has the 3 modes. One is playing it on the TV. Another way is handheld mode where players play in their hands. The last way is Tabletop mode where the play-station creates a kickstand.
To read more go too:
To read more go too:
Artificial Intelligent
Computers have been helping society for many years. They have been used to do math and maybe help costumers find how much airline seats are and help the payment go through. Artificial Intelligence could help people do their jobs and the worker could have more free time. But with the good comes the bad, the intelligence is a threat to people that really needs their jobs. With this threat it will be hard to create more jobs in the future.
Some people think Artificial Intelligence is not a good idea and some people think it is. Regardless, Artificial Intelligence is there to help and will be here for a long time. Computers work hard to help society and have no intent to harm. When the computers make a decision they try to do the best. Think about it, do you like they way the community will be in the future?
For more information about Artificial Intelligence go to,
Some people think Artificial Intelligence is not a good idea and some people think it is. Regardless, Artificial Intelligence is there to help and will be here for a long time. Computers work hard to help society and have no intent to harm. When the computers make a decision they try to do the best. Think about it, do you like they way the community will be in the future?
For more information about Artificial Intelligence go to,
Nintendo Switch
Have you ever wondered how you can connect to the tv and play wirelessly? Now you can by using Nintendo Switch. The Wii U consoles did poorly and only sold about 13.4 million around the world. But Sony is selling about 50 million play station 4 systems around the world. But, Nintendo hopes that the Nintendo Switch will do a lot better than the Wii U and sell a lot more. The Wii U system wasn’t quite different from the original Wii and it also bad that the Wii U’s controller was too big because of its touch screen display. But the biggest issue with the Wii U was something that’s hurt Nintendo for a long time, the lack of strong third-party developer support. "When you’re ready to roll, you pop off the left and right sides of the controller, which both have a single joystick and a series of buttons, and slide them onto the tablet. Remove the tablet from its dock and you’re off. You can even detach the controller pieces from the tablet, pull out its kickstand and let two people use the controller sections to play 1-on-1 games." The idea is incredibly risky, but Nintendo is known for taking risks with its hardware.
Xbox One S is great
The Xbox 1 s is the best thing since the first Xbox, it is the most efficient Xbox. The Xbox 1 s is much slimmer than the other Xbox's it’s 40% smaller and weighs about a pound and a half less than , it has its own internal power supply That means you no longer have a brick the size of a super burrito threatening to burn a hole in the space behind your cabinet. Xbox One S with a nice, normal cord.
I honestly like what Microsoft did to the Xbox 1 s and how slim it is because my space is limited and i think need a smaller Xbox to fit in the space of the old one
It’s also got a vertical stand by aligning it on its narrow side. All 30 of you who still use Kinect should know that Microsoft’s once-exciting motion sensing camera is not included with the Xbox One S, and getting an old Kinect to work will require a separate adapter for $40.
I honestly like what Microsoft did to the Xbox 1 s and how slim it is because my space is limited and i think need a smaller Xbox to fit in the space of the old one
It’s also got a vertical stand by aligning it on its narrow side. All 30 of you who still use Kinect should know that Microsoft’s once-exciting motion sensing camera is not included with the Xbox One S, and getting an old Kinect to work will require a separate adapter for $40.
The Killer Robots
Have you ever seen science fiction movie? Have you seen killer robots in them? Well if you haven't, you can see them now because they are real. Europe law makers are saying that robots should have something called a "kill switch". They are meant for emergencies. Though some people don't agree with the "kill switch". Isaac Asimov said that robots should not kill or harm any humans. People are saying that the killer robots should be stopped. Europe thinks it is important for robots to have a "kill switch" but many people disagree. Killer robots could be a good idea but they can be very dangerous. Some people think that robots are having too much power. They could possibly pay taxes and take people's job. Some Robots now have the "kill switch" which makes them a danger to humans. It would be better if robots did not have that much power and they could only be used to help humans. That would be a lot safer for everyone.
Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, and social media
Donald Trump is the new president of the United States of America and he has been addressing the public in a different way then many others presidents have, he has been using social media.Why does he do this? Why not just hold a press conference, because he doesn't want the main stream media spinning his stories and making 'fake news'. Trump has 20.5 MILLION followers on twitter, 4.8 million of Instagram, and 18 million on Facebook. His posts are what he believes and about his life. His most recent post on twitter says "Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 59m
It all begins today! I will see you at 11:00 A.M. for the swearing-in. THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES - THE WORK BEGINS!
This is what is happening in his life, he is getting sworn in and this his is opinion. This isn't offensive or bad.
People are saying these are "twitter Tyrants" or inappropriate but many people would disagree. For example recently he said Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 23h
Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. Even if I don't always agree, I recognize the rights of people to express their views.
He is praising people who are protesting against him! What is wrong with that? And on his instagram he is posting pictures about his family and reposting his kids picture. Again nothing wrong with that. Also on his facebook he posts pictures about his kids. No problem there. Justin Bieber and Hilary Cinton have all those accounts too. Justin is famous and Hilary ran for president. There is nothing wrong with President Trump's social media accounts because it his his opinion, what he believes, and what is on his mind.
To see President Trump's twitter go to
To see President Trump's twitter go to
Amazon's Assistant: Alexa
You can ask Alexa so many things that may help you in the near future. Such as, "Alexa, how old is Anthony Hopkins?" She is a very helpful assistant. You can purchase this helpful assistant online through Amazon, or any technology store.
You can buy the Amazon Echo for $150.00. Or you can get the Amazon Dot, which does the same abilities, but it is smaller, and costs $50.00.
Another thing you can ask Alexa is " Hey Alexa, what is your New Year's Resolution?" Feel free to ask her multiple times, for she has many different answers. You can purchase a Google Home, which also has the same abilities as your very own Alexa.
You can play games with your Alexa. Such as "Akinator", which is when you think of a character and Alexa will guess it by asking questions. There are so many games! Alexa is a very helpful assistant, which I hope you can consider purchasing!
For more information about this article, go to
You can buy the Amazon Echo for $150.00. Or you can get the Amazon Dot, which does the same abilities, but it is smaller, and costs $50.00.
Another thing you can ask Alexa is " Hey Alexa, what is your New Year's Resolution?" Feel free to ask her multiple times, for she has many different answers. You can purchase a Google Home, which also has the same abilities as your very own Alexa.
You can play games with your Alexa. Such as "Akinator", which is when you think of a character and Alexa will guess it by asking questions. There are so many games! Alexa is a very helpful assistant, which I hope you can consider purchasing!
For more information about this article, go to
Samsung blames batteries for Galaxy Note 7 fires
"Our investigation, as well as the investigations completed by three independent industry organizations, concluded that batteries were found to be the cause of the Note 7 incidents," the world's largest smartphone maker said Monday. After month's long investigation Samsung's second attempt trying to explain the flagship's problems. Samsung mainly blamed the battery but the initial response was supposed to stop reports of fire in which they failed at doing. It eventually was forced to kill the product entirely. Also instead of trying to improve on the product Samsung made a fire proof box which makes it safer, but will it be safe enough for people to use.
link is:
link is:
The Cost of Lithium
You plug in your Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to charge only to find out it explodes ten minutes later, but to the creators, this a fair price to pay for lightweight batteries. Lithium is a chemical element often put in batteries causing them to be lighter and smaller. The only downfall is that they are dangerously flammable and when they get hot, they can catch fire. More than one hundred Samsung's have caught fire from charging too long causing major destruction and harming the user. Samsung has stopped selling this phone in attempt to save customers, but those with these phones must be cautious.
Another example of Lithium danger is the hover board. Like the Samsung 7, the hover board kept catching fire because of their lithium batteries. Hover boards have been banned from many airlines to ensure the safety of passengers. Although these futuristic new electronics may seem cool, they are a danger to many who use them, so maybe we should wait a little longer and find a safer battery before bringing these ideas to life.
Another example of Lithium danger is the hover board. Like the Samsung 7, the hover board kept catching fire because of their lithium batteries. Hover boards have been banned from many airlines to ensure the safety of passengers. Although these futuristic new electronics may seem cool, they are a danger to many who use them, so maybe we should wait a little longer and find a safer battery before bringing these ideas to life.
China's Alibaba Tracks Down Counterfeiters
China's online shopping website, Alibaba, is forming an alliance to track down counterfeiters. Counterfeiters, people who forge things, have made $1.7 trillion since 2015.
Alibaba was founded in 1999 by Jack Ma in Hangzhou, China. It's been popular and used ever since- it's like China's Amazon.
Ever since late August, Alibaba has closed down 180,000 third-party stores for selling fake goods. It's also given information to law enforcements and brands to close down 675 counterfeit manufacturers.
Amazon sells 5 billion items a year, whereas Alibaba sells 14.5 billion items a year. It's been very set on using its data and analytics to go against counterfeiting.
Jessie Zheng, Chief Platform Governance Officer of Alibaba, says, "The most powerful weapon against counterfeiting today is data and analytics, and the only way we can win this war is to unite."
To read more on this story, go to Alibaba Tracks Down Fake Goods
Alibaba was founded in 1999 by Jack Ma in Hangzhou, China. It's been popular and used ever since- it's like China's Amazon.
Ever since late August, Alibaba has closed down 180,000 third-party stores for selling fake goods. It's also given information to law enforcements and brands to close down 675 counterfeit manufacturers.
Amazon sells 5 billion items a year, whereas Alibaba sells 14.5 billion items a year. It's been very set on using its data and analytics to go against counterfeiting.
Jessie Zheng, Chief Platform Governance Officer of Alibaba, says, "The most powerful weapon against counterfeiting today is data and analytics, and the only way we can win this war is to unite."
To read more on this story, go to Alibaba Tracks Down Fake Goods
Have you ever wondered what the car of the future might look like? Just take a look at the Chrysler Portal. This car takes a step into the future with new amazing technology! This car is able to take selfies for you while you are in the car. Then, it can send the selfies to any device so it can me posted on social media. Fiat Chrysler also added "zoned music". Thsi means that people will be able to listen to their own music
Friday, January 20, 2017
Nintendo Switch
The Nintendo Switch has caught the attention of people everywhere. You really can go online without seeing articles on the new console. The reason for all of this excitement is because the last time Nintendo released an all new console was the Wii U (2012), which wasn't very successful. The reason for this was because it didn't compare to any consoles that were out of that time like the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The Wii U was too much like the Wii, which had come out 6 years before. Now that the Switch is being released, the world is on the fence about Nintendo products.
The Switch is different from any other Nintendo console because it can be used as both a portable handheld device, or a regular in-home console. The idea of it is different, but also releasing it could be dicey as well. The reason it could do well is because Nintendo may be supporting third party developers. With consoles in the past, the main games that were playable on the consoles were made by Nintendo like Mario, Legend of Zelda, and Star Fox. Now, we may be able to play games like Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, and Halo, which are what most gamers have been playing for the past five years.
Read more about the Switch:
The Switch is different from any other Nintendo console because it can be used as both a portable handheld device, or a regular in-home console. The idea of it is different, but also releasing it could be dicey as well. The reason it could do well is because Nintendo may be supporting third party developers. With consoles in the past, the main games that were playable on the consoles were made by Nintendo like Mario, Legend of Zelda, and Star Fox. Now, we may be able to play games like Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, and Halo, which are what most gamers have been playing for the past five years.
Read more about the Switch:
The world's first 3-screen gaming laptop!
The world's first 3-screen gaming laptop!
The PC gaming company Razer made a brand new computer with 3 Screens! Have you ever imagined playing your favorite game on a computer with 3 screens! It's a 17-inch laptop with 2 extra screens, it has 100% accuracy color, and It would weigh a little bit more than your "Macbook Air". The expected weight is 12 pounds. Also the computer is able to use VR headsets including "Oculus Rift" and "HTC Vive". The idea behind the project is to have multiple monitors without a bunch of wires on your desk, and you can multitask with a lot of websites.
To find more information visit this link >>>>
Smart Scooter, Possibly Better Than Your Car.
Easy to use and energy sufficient, the Immotor Go ,created by Daniel Huang, the Founder and CEO of Mophie, is a portable Smart Scooter that is very safe and available to every one from ages 6-106. The smart scooter has three wheels and an auto pilot feature. You can use Bluetooth on you Smartphone to connect with the Smart Scooter. It even has a data plan for transmitting the location of the scooter to the Immotor app. The first shipment will be in late March or early April of 2017. For more information click on the link.Smart Scooter link.
Kuri world's friendliest home robot.
Kuri, developed by Mayfield Robotics, is not only a home assistant — it was designed to be a
companion as well.
Kuri responds to your voice, like Amazon Echo or Google Home do, and it’s
able to do various tasks, including a nightly security patrol.
Kuri will interact with you like a person. It has It can wake you up play a podcast it can follow you around your home or read your kids a bedtime story.
Kuri can monitor a home when you’re not there, and you can control it remotely with the included app.
When Kuri’s battery gets low, it goes to returns to its dock to recharge.
companion as well.
Kuri responds to your voice, like Amazon Echo or Google Home do, and it’s
able to do various tasks, including a nightly security patrol.
Kuri will interact with you like a person. It has It can wake you up play a podcast it can follow you around your home or read your kids a bedtime story.
Kuri can monitor a home when you’re not there, and you can control it remotely with the included app.
When Kuri’s battery gets low, it goes to returns to its dock to recharge.
Wristband monitors for blood alcohol:
Have you ever tracked your blood alcohol? Well there is a new whist band to track your blood. It is helpful in many ways, first it wont let you drive if you had to much alcohol in your blood system/ body. It wont let you start your car, your wrist band knows when you consumed too much alcohol. Secondly, it helps you with many other things. This device cost 100-150$. If you are having problems with your blood alcohol levels then get the Wristband monitor!
To read more about this look at,
To read more about this look at,
Look, a Squirrel!
Who could possibly be the hacker?
Would it be a group of Russians staring intently at computers?
Or a cuddly (and insidious) creature that so happened to be passing by?
Some believe that Russian hackers were the cause of President Donald Trump winning the election. But then again, the endearing squirrel has been responsible for 879 attacks.
After word spread, 2 in 3 Americans believe that Russian hackers impacted the election. And now, 8 in 10 Democrats believe that as well, even though cybersecurity experts say that many animal attacks that could be potentially dangerous.
Who would disrupt 200 million trades with a pounce on a power line?
A squirrel, that's what.
One squirrel took the power out of Nasdaq's computer center for about 90 minutes.
For more deadly fuzziness, click right here:
After word spread, 2 in 3 Americans believe that Russian hackers impacted the election. And now, 8 in 10 Democrats believe that as well, even though cybersecurity experts say that many animal attacks that could be potentially dangerous.
Who would disrupt 200 million trades with a pounce on a power line?
A squirrel, that's what.
One squirrel took the power out of Nasdaq's computer center for about 90 minutes.
For more deadly fuzziness, click right here:
Kuri The friendliest Robot
Kuri the friendliest robot: Kuri is a home assistant and was designed to be a companion as well.
Kuri responds to your regular voice. Kuri also has a personality that will interact with you. It can wake you up, follow you around your house or even read you a bedtime story. Kuri can also monitor your home when you’re not there. These $699 home assistants are a great holiday gift.
To read more about click this link below
To read more about click this link below
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch is the first console Nintendo made in 5 years. It’s designed to move with players wherever they go. They can plug it in a T.V. and play it on the big screen. They can also opt to detach a smaller screen embedded in the console for play outside. The Switch includes a set of modular controllers with panels that snap on to the mobile screen. That console also had a two-screen layout, but it was clunky and created playability challenges not even Nintendo could conquer.
To learn more click here
Nasa Planning A Mission To An Astroid
Nasa is planning to launch a spaceship in 2023 and the asteroid will reach in 2030. NASA says "It's an opportunity to explore new worlds". This mission is going to give them $10,000 Quadrillion worth of metal. scientists believe, could shed light on how planets and other masses broke up into cores, mantles and crusts years ago.
Google Androids can now search without internet connection
Google introduced that you can now search with poor or no internet connection for androids. They say that if you have poor signal before you get your result without Wi-Fi. It will also work with google maps and google translates. The search always saves with this new feature on your phones.So when you are at a ¨spotty¨ place and you are searching something it will save it and it looks for a decent background monitor and then tell you. Google also says when doing this it will not drain your batteries and won´t impact you data usage at all they say. So when you search something and then you lose you internet connection this feature will give you your result when the connection is re-established.
For my information on this then look at this
Smart Scooter of the Future!
This Portable Smart Scooter Is Probably Better Than Your Car!
Invented by the co-founder of Mophie, it was a huge hit at CES unveiled. It’s internet connected, can hold your iPhone on the handlebars, it has turn by turn directions, and even more car-like features.
It’s not only highly portable, but energy efficient as well! It uses a super battery, and new green power. So, unlike most cars, it is environment friendly. The battery can also charge your other appliances, such as your laptop.
It has many other tools and helpful quirks, like how you can easily control your music, use it’s companion app to navigate, and dim and brighten the headlights as you wish. This scooter can be in your garage for $1,500. Thought it’s expensive, this truly is the high tech scooter of the future.
I chose this article because I think its pretty cool that soon you can have a scooter that is better than any car. Its also amazing that its so friendly towards nature, and that they found new ways to use green power and made a super battery. I can't wait until I can own one!
Link to website:
Invented by the co-founder of Mophie, it was a huge hit at CES unveiled. It’s internet connected, can hold your iPhone on the handlebars, it has turn by turn directions, and even more car-like features.
It’s not only highly portable, but energy efficient as well! It uses a super battery, and new green power. So, unlike most cars, it is environment friendly. The battery can also charge your other appliances, such as your laptop.
It has many other tools and helpful quirks, like how you can easily control your music, use it’s companion app to navigate, and dim and brighten the headlights as you wish. This scooter can be in your garage for $1,500. Thought it’s expensive, this truly is the high tech scooter of the future.
I chose this article because I think its pretty cool that soon you can have a scooter that is better than any car. Its also amazing that its so friendly towards nature, and that they found new ways to use green power and made a super battery. I can't wait until I can own one!
Link to website:
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo has released its newest game console- Nintendo Switch. The Switch will come out on March 3 2017. It will be $300, but it is actually 2 systems in one. Its battery life if 2.5 to 6.5 hours.
One way to use it is to play it the traditional way. You get the 6.2 inch tablet out of its dock and use the tech as a regular game pad. You could play your games when you're traveling if you play this way.
The dock that you keep your tablet in, is connected to your TV. The Switch operates on WiFi. The idea with the Switch is that it is portable; you can take it anywhere. People can join up to 8 Switch consoles in a local network. The Switch actually comes with two consoles: a left Joy-Con and a right Joy-Con. You can get them in solid grey, or in red and black. You can play with one controller in each hand, or play it like you're holding a game pad. If you want to play with a friend, you can hand one of the Joy-Con controllers to them.
As I said, the Switch lasts 2.5 to 6.5 hours. If you play a game that is very intense like Legends of Zelda, it will wear the battery down faster. The Switch uses a USB C connector, so you cans plug it into any compatible cable and not have to plug it into its dock to charge it. This console is smaller then other consoles like x-Box and Play station. It only has 32 GB which is very small compared to the X-Box which gets 500 GB.
If you want to learn more about the Nintendo Switch here are some links.
One way to use it is to play it the traditional way. You get the 6.2 inch tablet out of its dock and use the tech as a regular game pad. You could play your games when you're traveling if you play this way.
The dock that you keep your tablet in, is connected to your TV. The Switch operates on WiFi. The idea with the Switch is that it is portable; you can take it anywhere. People can join up to 8 Switch consoles in a local network. The Switch actually comes with two consoles: a left Joy-Con and a right Joy-Con. You can get them in solid grey, or in red and black. You can play with one controller in each hand, or play it like you're holding a game pad. If you want to play with a friend, you can hand one of the Joy-Con controllers to them.
As I said, the Switch lasts 2.5 to 6.5 hours. If you play a game that is very intense like Legends of Zelda, it will wear the battery down faster. The Switch uses a USB C connector, so you cans plug it into any compatible cable and not have to plug it into its dock to charge it. This console is smaller then other consoles like x-Box and Play station. It only has 32 GB which is very small compared to the X-Box which gets 500 GB.
If you want to learn more about the Nintendo Switch here are some links.
Make America Kittens Again!
I am so so so tired- not to offend Trump supporters- of seeing pictures of Trump, even when they're impossibly hard to not laugh at. Are you tired too? Then get this app- Make America Kittens Again! All you have to do is download the app and search up Donald Trump, then- BAM TRUMP! IN YOUR FACE!- all pictures of the *shudders* U.S President have been replaced by adorable kittens. Stinkin' kittens! Even websites with pictures of Trump are changed to kittens. Kittens sleeping! Kittens playing! Kittens eating! Kittens! Kittens! Kittens! Even when the original picture has someone else in it, it's changed to- you guessed it- KIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENS! Trust me- politics have never ever been more adorable.
Learn more about KITTENS making America great again here.
Learn more about KITTENS making America great again here.
Burning Phones
Burning phones are happening with the Galaxy Note 7, and it is a really big story to talk about. For somehow, the phones are burning, and causing lots of incidents. This leads to deaths, and injuries all around the world. The reason is because of the batteries inside, and how it explodes. Samsung uses lithium ion to make the batteries, and the batteries are packed together, making it more portable, thinner, and lighter. But, it also causes problems to people who use it. The batteries inside are under pressure because they want it to be more portable, but the batteries go into each other, and short-circuits. And when it short-circuits, it gets warmer and explodes! After 35 reported incidents of explosions, Samsung decided to call all phones back to them, refunding about 1 million to 2.5 million phones. They then had replacements, supposedly to be safe, but still they burned up. Now, Samsung has stopped all phones from going on sale, so there is no more trouble. In my opinion, they should test their phones more, before selling them.
There are lots of stories about this incident, but the article I used is
Thanks for reading, David C.
There are lots of stories about this incident, but the article I used is
Thanks for reading, David C.
"Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare" More Like "Call of Duty: Infinite Rage"
So, I am a big Call of Duty fan, but ever since Advanced warfare, I've lost interest. Space battles, interstellar conflict and wisecracking robots, three things I never expected to see in a “Call of Duty” game. I say that with dismay. Call of Duty is slowly ruining itself. I feel that the futuristic setting of the new Call of Duties has gone a little too far. First exo-suits, then killing robots, now total war in space?! They've gone too far with this whole "future is infinite" thing.
The franchise, which originally put players in the boots of World War II soldiers, moved to the present day with “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” and then the not-so-distant future with “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare,” has officially entered full-blown sci-fi territory with “Infinite Warfare.” It has gone too far. Black Ops II was okay, but now it has stepped too far.
Why not go back to the Vietnam-War era, or continue the legacy of the "Modern Warfare" series. My God, I loved Black Ops I, and Black Ops II was my dream game to get. If Treyarch had kept with the "Historical" theme, I wouldn't be angry.
The competition is high as well, with many other gamers feeling the way I do, Electronic Arts' "Battlefield 1" is a better alternative than the new CODs. Titanfall 2 is also a better futuristic alternative as well. The reason I am not ranting on the Titanfall series, is that it STARTED futuristic, as Call Of Duty started in WW2.
"Another year, another Call of Duty game that brings us even further away from what made buying and playing a Call of Duty game enjoyable. The theme doesn't even look like the games I used to buy. They've completely abandoned their original consumer base to put this stuff out. Every year another game comes out and it hits me a little more that Call of Duty games will never go back to World War II themes that made this game franchise what it was. I haven't been interested in a new Call of Duty game in a really long time, which is hard to believe since I owned and loved the first five installments. It's a shame because, with today's technological enhancements, I think they would be really great games to play. Just imagine island hopping in the Pacific Theatre, or storming the beaches of Normandy, fighting your way through France and Belgium, or North Africa, Sicily and Italy, and into Germany. Unfortunately, I think this dream of mine has passed, which will make me pass on this installment." said a review on Yahoo.
I am saying this now, Call of Duty is RUINED, I am not buying another of that futuristic junk ever again, its poop, they pretty much are copying Halo at this point.
The franchise, which originally put players in the boots of World War II soldiers, moved to the present day with “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” and then the not-so-distant future with “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare,” has officially entered full-blown sci-fi territory with “Infinite Warfare.” It has gone too far. Black Ops II was okay, but now it has stepped too far.
Why not go back to the Vietnam-War era, or continue the legacy of the "Modern Warfare" series. My God, I loved Black Ops I, and Black Ops II was my dream game to get. If Treyarch had kept with the "Historical" theme, I wouldn't be angry.
The competition is high as well, with many other gamers feeling the way I do, Electronic Arts' "Battlefield 1" is a better alternative than the new CODs. Titanfall 2 is also a better futuristic alternative as well. The reason I am not ranting on the Titanfall series, is that it STARTED futuristic, as Call Of Duty started in WW2.
"Another year, another Call of Duty game that brings us even further away from what made buying and playing a Call of Duty game enjoyable. The theme doesn't even look like the games I used to buy. They've completely abandoned their original consumer base to put this stuff out. Every year another game comes out and it hits me a little more that Call of Duty games will never go back to World War II themes that made this game franchise what it was. I haven't been interested in a new Call of Duty game in a really long time, which is hard to believe since I owned and loved the first five installments. It's a shame because, with today's technological enhancements, I think they would be really great games to play. Just imagine island hopping in the Pacific Theatre, or storming the beaches of Normandy, fighting your way through France and Belgium, or North Africa, Sicily and Italy, and into Germany. Unfortunately, I think this dream of mine has passed, which will make me pass on this installment." said a review on Yahoo.
I am saying this now, Call of Duty is RUINED, I am not buying another of that futuristic junk ever again, its poop, they pretty much are copying Halo at this point.
I rate Infinite Warfare a 1 out of 10.
To read more about this junk, go to
To read more about this junk, go to
Bluetooth ear buds for 25 bucks?
I just heard about Bluetooth earbuds for $25. This is surprising because generally Bluetooth earbuds or anything Bluetooth isn´t necessarily that cheap. At that price I would think that they wouldn´t be that good quality, but from my rescuerch all of the reviews were pretty good.
The TaoTronics wireless in-earbuds, feature a built in microphone and playback controls , and there are magnets inside the buds to keep them from falling off your neck when they are not in use. I think that all of these functions are useful and smart.
Amazon is selling these headphones for $24.64. If you are not a picky person for audio there is a good chance that these could get the job done for a low price.
You can get more information at this website
The TaoTronics wireless in-earbuds, feature a built in microphone and playback controls , and there are magnets inside the buds to keep them from falling off your neck when they are not in use. I think that all of these functions are useful and smart.
Amazon is selling these headphones for $24.64. If you are not a picky person for audio there is a good chance that these could get the job done for a low price.
You can get more information at this website
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Moodo: The Amazing Air Refresher
Say good-night to your scented plug in!
Moodo allows you to choose amazing scents to fill your house from an app on your phone.
This device that is created by Indiegogo uses scented crystals in capsules, which is then diffused through a machine which blows scented air through your house.
You can choose between 48 different scents from "Eucalyptus Nights" to "Sandal Woods", and you can create your own scents playlist on your phone!
But here's the catch, the box it's self is $139 and the 48 capsules are $518! So don't Get rid of your Candles yet!
Find more at:
Moodo allows you to choose amazing scents to fill your house from an app on your phone.
This device that is created by Indiegogo uses scented crystals in capsules, which is then diffused through a machine which blows scented air through your house.
You can choose between 48 different scents from "Eucalyptus Nights" to "Sandal Woods", and you can create your own scents playlist on your phone!
But here's the catch, the box it's self is $139 and the 48 capsules are $518! So don't Get rid of your Candles yet!
Find more at:
3-Screen Laptop
Have you ever wondered what a three screen laptop would look like? Well now you can just google it and see. The 3-screen laptop was invented by PC gaming company Razer. It has a 4K resolution display it also has 100% Adobe RGB color accuracy. It's great for watching movies and playing video games which is very important to me. It was orginally designed for gamers to use it so they have multiple monitors. But it also comes in handy at work and you have a lot to do. It doesn't have alot of wires to trip over which is also why they had designed it for gamers to use. It is expected to way less then 12 pounds but that isn't always the best put what happens when you use it is all worth it. According to Razer it will be able to use VR headsets like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive all thanks to Nvidia’s (NVDA) latest GeForce GTX 1080 graphics chip. Like all of Razer's computers the laptop's keyboard will have a lighting system. Since it is just a concept device there is now guarantee it will ever be in stores but it is still good to think about. Even If it does make it to stores it will cost a good amount of money but it will all be worth it.
To read more about this go to this website
To read more about this go to this website
¨Welcome to the 12th annual Pogie awards!¨
¨Welcome to the 12th annual Pogie awards!¨ The Pogie awards celebrate leaps in technology!
And the first award goes to the light bulb that shines in the dark, literally after the power goes out it can shine up to 4 hours! Great, finally a light that just keeps on going. And it also screws in to most light fixtures! It´s the Smart Charge light bulb!
The next award goes to the iPhone 7 Plus: Portrait Mode it is one of the best phone cameras. Forget junk phone cameras the iPhone 7 camera pulls all the way through.
The 3rd and final award goes to...... MiFold booster seat it is a fold up booster seat that goes every where. Forget dangerous taxi rides with no booster seat. The MiFold booster seat fits in your bag!
That´s all we have time for today folks. To learn more click this link or all the names of the products!
And the first award goes to the light bulb that shines in the dark, literally after the power goes out it can shine up to 4 hours! Great, finally a light that just keeps on going. And it also screws in to most light fixtures! It´s the Smart Charge light bulb!
The next award goes to the iPhone 7 Plus: Portrait Mode it is one of the best phone cameras. Forget junk phone cameras the iPhone 7 camera pulls all the way through.
The 3rd and final award goes to...... MiFold booster seat it is a fold up booster seat that goes every where. Forget dangerous taxi rides with no booster seat. The MiFold booster seat fits in your bag!
That´s all we have time for today folks. To learn more click this link or all the names of the products!
Alcohol Monitoring Wristbands?
This sleek wristband monitors your blood alcohol content while you are drinking. It comes with a disposable 12 hour cartridge that tracks your level via perspired alcohol. I think that this wristband is a very cool idea. It could keep people form over drinking, and possibly keep people safe. I think that thus wristband could be the future of safe drinking. It is also not something that would be annoying to have on your wrist. It is a small band that can keep you safe from over drinking. If you would like to read more about this topic, visit
Most cybersecurity experts are worried about Russian hackers. One says: Look, a squirrel!
Squirrels and other wildlife animals are a partial threat to cyber security. The reason for this is In 1987, a rogue squirrel took out the power to Nasdaq's computer center for 90 minutes, and according to The New York Times it disrupted 200 million trades. Also a bird stored up to 300 pounds of acorns in a microwave transmitter. And a jellyfish that pooled into a power plant's water. Overall we need to have more protection for our cyber security because I don't think animals are leaving for a long time.
To learn more click here to go to The Washington Post.
To learn more click here to go to The Washington Post.
Moodo: The Smart Air Freshener
Moodo is a smart air freshener that lets you choose what scent it produces. You can choose scents like "Eucalyptus Nights" or "Sandal Wood". You can also make your own scents and "scent playlist". The Box costs $139 and the capsules (the things that produce the scents) will cost $518 for a pack of 48. I think that this product is very cool, but I not sure if it would be worth $657.
For more information go to this link:
Are Air Planes for the Rich only?
Have you ever been on a air plane? Well if you have savor that moment,, because air planes are changing. The price went up almost 12% over the past couple years. Normally the price goes up during summertime, or during Thanksgiving. It has soared higher than before. if you go on a non-stop flight from New York to Los-Angeles is $600+ in July. When it is just $300 or less in May. We are asking, the fuel price has gone down. It was $150 and now a low of $100. This is just crazy, the airlines have to pay less, and yet we pay more. There is a theory about this, in the near future air travel will just be for the rich. Do you believe this could be true? Do you think that only the rich will be able to travel in the air. I think it might happen. The planes are getting more electronic devises, like big TV's. Still, if you don't believe me just keep an eye on the prices. We will never know if it will happen.
If you would like to know more, click this link.
Amazon Alexa
The Amazon Alexa is a crazy hit with sales more than 5 million. Companies wanted to take part so they convinced amazon to make skills. I think skills are cool they allow you to order pizza or turn on your room.
Also, cars are compatible with Alexa so you can turn on your car. I think Amazons Alexa is one of the best thing ever! For more information:
Also, cars are compatible with Alexa so you can turn on your car. I think Amazons Alexa is one of the best thing ever! For more information:
NASA wants to investigate $10,000 quadrillion asteroid with space mission
Arizona State University has located a metal and potentially ancient asteroid called "16 Psyche" which is thought to be made out of nickel and iron. The asteroid is thought to have been at one time a planet as big as Mars that has taken several collisions and led to this piece of material being ejected away from the celestial body. NASA wants to send an investigation mission to survey the asteroid and possibly learn about the asteroid, but lack the technology needed to mine the asteroid or bring it back to Earth. I think that NASA should invest in bringing this asteroid back to Earth as it is worth a whopping $10,000 quadrillion in minerals such as iron, but a big problem with this is the sheer size of this asteroid. Also, if NASA accidentally slammed a gigantic asteroid into the Earth instead of gently landing it very bad things could happen. NASA thinks this asteroid may also be remnants of a planet's core. NASA plans to launch the spacecraft in October 2023 and will arrive at 16 Psyche in 2030. I think this is a very bad idea because in the past NASA has launched big projects to encounter a very fast moving object such as Halley's comet and they usually spend a lot of money and in some way the mission fails. Of course I could be wrong as with NASA's new technology and safety precautions they have been able to launch some successful missions such as when New Horizons, a space probe launched in 2006, passed Pluto and took images of it in 2015. If the mission is successful, we will learn a lot more about other planets and about some minerals other planets have, but if we fail to rendezvous with an object moving at miles per second NASA will certainly lose much of it's reputation and the mission will be a big failure.
Price of the asteroid provided by Global News
For more information visit USA Today
Price of the asteroid provided by Global News
For more information visit USA Today
If the iPhone 8 Looks Like This, the Galaxy S8 Is in Trouble
The iPhone's 10th anniversary is coming up the year of the iPhone 8. This means everyone is hoping that Apple has a big and great new iPhone to show us. The pictures are coming from a website called Handy Abovergleich. The pictures show that there is no actual home button. The reason why there is no home button because the screen is all glass top to bottom of the phone! There is also two more buttons at the bottom of the phone a message button and a call button. The iPhone 8 is also supposed to have an AMOLED display. This means that the colors will be more improved. There is also a possible (not likely) three types of iPhone 8. The normal, Plus, and Pro! This iPhone will be a very big success for Apple if they follow through with their ideas!
I chose this story because I have always been a big iPhone fan. The iPhone 8 looked so cool in the picture I just had to do this article. It was interesting that the iPhone 8 is supposed to have an all glass screen. I also like the AMOLED display.
Link to the article:
Link to the article:
Selfie drones
The Hover Passport is a drone that is very light and and folds up and able to be put into a pack. It also only weighs .534-lb, so if you buy it you will not have to register it. The FAA’s .55-lb requires owners to register drones. It has an enclosure that surrounds its for rotors so that it does not get caught in anything. It has a 13 megapixel camera. And it has a battery that lasts 10 minutes. The one bad part about this drone is it is $599.
The Rova is an other selfie drone. It is not as good as the Hover Passport. It does not fold up. It weighs more than .55lb which means you will have to register it. It lasts 10 minutes and it has 12-megapixel camera.
The Rova is an other selfie drone. It is not as good as the Hover Passport. It does not fold up. It weighs more than .55lb which means you will have to register it. It lasts 10 minutes and it has 12-megapixel camera.
Ford’s (F) Mustang is an American icon. It’s the everyday person’s sports car you can buy without ending up in the poor house. And for 2018, Ford is adding a host of new technologies that bring the classic pony car into the modern era.
No matter how much tech you add to the Mustang the most important things are that it gets a big, powerful engine and an exhaust so loud it will make your neighbors hate you. And thankfully Ford has improved on both.
The newest model of the Mustang gets some relatively mild aesthetic changes to its upper and lower grilles. In fact, you’ll be hard pressed to actually notice the different between the 2017 model and the 2018 version. The biggest changes to the new Mustang’s front end include all-LED lights and updated hood vents.
for more about the new mustang go to 2018 Ford Mustang brings an American icon into the modern era
No matter how much tech you add to the Mustang the most important things are that it gets a big, powerful engine and an exhaust so loud it will make your neighbors hate you. And thankfully Ford has improved on both.
The newest model of the Mustang gets some relatively mild aesthetic changes to its upper and lower grilles. In fact, you’ll be hard pressed to actually notice the different between the 2017 model and the 2018 version. The biggest changes to the new Mustang’s front end include all-LED lights and updated hood vents.
CES 2017 next breakthrough is here! They have made siri into a box and named it the amazon Alexa. Alexa is an intelligent personal assistant, It is capable of voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic, and other real time information. Alexa can also control several smart devices using itself as a home automation hub. Early on, Alexa’s abilities were somewhat limited, if amusing: the ability to answer random trivia questions, for example. But once Alexa could control other devices such as Philips Hue bulbs and the Nest Thermostat, the virtual assistant became much more useful.
The reason why I picked this artical is because I like this new tech. The Alexa is much better than siri in my opinion. The reason why I like Alexa more than Siri is because the Alexa can do so much more stuff like, Alexa can you turn thelights off, and then turn them back on in seconds!. Another example would be if you said Alexa look up how to mke sushi it would tell you. If you want to learn more go to this link
The reason why I picked this artical is because I like this new tech. The Alexa is much better than siri in my opinion. The reason why I like Alexa more than Siri is because the Alexa can do so much more stuff like, Alexa can you turn thelights off, and then turn them back on in seconds!. Another example would be if you said Alexa look up how to mke sushi it would tell you. If you want to learn more go to this link
The Last Astronaut On The Moon Gene Cernan Dies
One bright moonlit night in Florida, astronaut Gene Cernan spotted a big yellow ball in the sky. ¨You see that spot just by the ´eye?¨ he asked, reffering to the vivid face of the Man in the Moon, that was where he had landed-it was the Valley of Taurus-Littrow. He was the last human to leave his footprints, and obviously he´d had the experience of a lifetime. America was very lucky as a country, as a space-going species, to have Gene Cernan, who has died at the age of 82 on a Monday as one of us. His vehemence for traveling in space and the ability he had to convey the wonders of space was amazing. A certain ABC crew member was quite lucky; in 1981 he was asked to join a very intelligent and experienced team in order to cover up the upcoming NASA space shuttle program. He joined the best: anchor Frank Reynolds, correspondent Jules Bergman, and a team of people under executive producer Bob Siegenthaler (who also engaged Cernan as their outside expert). In 1983, during the launch of of STS-8 -- NASA´s first try to send up a shuttle without the benefit of daylight. Cernan, although being the barve man he was, he was still a bit overwhelmed by the landing of the third Space Shuttle. March 29, 1982 was the day of the scheduled touchdown, and a sandstorm whipped up on that day, this required Cernan to wear goggles on the air to relay the news. As Cernan put it, he traveled in ¨the golden age of space¨. For more about this topic, go visit
CES 2017’s breakout star: Amazon’s Alexa
CES 2017 next breakthrough is here. They have made Siri into a box and named it the Amazone echo or Alexa for short. There are Alexa-compatible air purifiers, self-driving cars, even refrigerators. Amazone Echo is a cylinder-shaped speaker that comes pre-loaded with Alexa. With sales of about 5 million of this November. If Alexa was only a voice-controlled speaker, it would still be a success. Early on, Alexa’s abilities were limited. It had the ability to answer random trivia questions for example. But once Alexa could control other devices like Philips Hue bulbs and the Nest Thermostat, the assistance became much more useful.
The reason I chose this article is because I like new tech and it would be great to see a better Siri. Most of the time you can't talk to Siri because of the voice search. If you had Alexa than you could turn on the lights just by saying "Alexa, turn on the lights" and then the lights would turn on in seconds. You could aslo say "Alexa, show me how to make apple pie" and you would get the recipe for apple pie. I thinks this will really change the world for the better. To learn more about Alexa go to and check it out.
The reason I chose this article is because I like new tech and it would be great to see a better Siri. Most of the time you can't talk to Siri because of the voice search. If you had Alexa than you could turn on the lights just by saying "Alexa, turn on the lights" and then the lights would turn on in seconds. You could aslo say "Alexa, show me how to make apple pie" and you would get the recipe for apple pie. I thinks this will really change the world for the better. To learn more about Alexa go to and check it out.
Scorpio vs. Switch
Microsoft and Nintendo are going toe to toe when it comes to the creation of two next generation gaming consoles. Yes as you have probably heard Microsoft has officially announced Project Scorpio. So has Nintendo with the internet headline Nintendo Switch. Now lets get right into the comparison. First we will compare specs and then special features etc. Project Scorpio is also known as xbox 2. Scorpio will feature 6.2 terraflops of computational power and 320 GB/s of memory bandwidth, Microsoft is aiming for uncompromising 4K UHD resolution gaming with Project Scorpio. The current Xbox One has a throughput of only 1.3 teraflops with a maximum of 200 GB/s of memory bandwidth, making Scorpio over 4.5 times more powerful than the Xbox One. Nintendo Switch has multiple game modes such as multiplayer,tablet and classic modes. The Nintendo Switch internal hardware is not even equivalent to a quarter of Project Scorpio. Therefore Scorpio is the winner.

New Xbox Scorpio
As you may know Xbox Scorpio is the new Xbox coming out this year unless there are any delays.Scorpio is the new generation of Xbox.You will be able to play Virtual reality and have a lot better graphics then originals. I like that there making this product because I love Xbox and I play a lot when I get home from school and on the weekends. And since they are making sure you can play Virtual Reality that is better for Virtual Reality players.Plus Xbox Scorpio is going to have way more storage.It will have 6 teraflops which if you didn't know is a ton.It also is able to use Xbox one games so if you have a Xbox one you don't have to go buy new games.Because games are 50$ or more and sometimes less.The Last thing is that you can download games from the Scorpio way better to windows it will probably be faster then before. They are no pictures of the new Xbox yet. For more info visit this
Did Alexa Beat Siri?
Siri has been around for 5 years. But is Alexa the next big thing? Alexa is a hands-free voice device. You can play music, search the web, and look up the weather. Amazon also came out with the Amazon DotEcho. Voice computing is the next big thing. Whether it's on your phone or hands-free device. Many people that Alexa is better because it can turn on lights and arm the house. But on the other hand, Siri can't do that but Apple came out with an app called "Home" that can control lights. "The article states that Siri is clearly stronger and more responsive today than when launched in 2011."
I chose this article because people have loved Siri since it came out. But will Alexa be the next big thing? It looks that way. Alexa is becoming quicker with her answers and not just saying this is what I found on the web. Like Siri.
For more about this article go to
I chose this article because people have loved Siri since it came out. But will Alexa be the next big thing? It looks that way. Alexa is becoming quicker with her answers and not just saying this is what I found on the web. Like Siri.
For more about this article go to
Video Games Aren't Allowed to Use The Red Cross
Back in 2015 a game called "Prison Architect" came out and broke some rules. What they did was they used the symbol of the red cross to represent health in the game. The famous symbol actually isn't allowed in the public domain it is governed by the International Committee of the Red Cross. They want to make sure that it isn't misused. “If the red cross emblem or similar signs are used for other purposes, no matter how beneficial or inconsequential they may seem, the special significance of the emblem will be diminished”, that was part of the e-mail that the game company received. The red cross symbol also is not allowed to be used in advertising, no matter what.
The rule is not being enforced enough though because you can go into so many games, tv shows and movies and find the Red Cross symbol there. Most of those games, tv shows, and movies don't get caught or in any trouble. All of those are violating the Geneva Conventions which is how you treat civilians, prisoners of war and soldiers who aren't capable of fighting. They are also breaking British law.
Lots of games have tried to use it but then changed it so they wouldn't get in trouble. They would change it from a cross to an H or other symbols. Halo illegally changed it over the years and no one really noticed it.
For more information on this go here
The rule is not being enforced enough though because you can go into so many games, tv shows and movies and find the Red Cross symbol there. Most of those games, tv shows, and movies don't get caught or in any trouble. All of those are violating the Geneva Conventions which is how you treat civilians, prisoners of war and soldiers who aren't capable of fighting. They are also breaking British law.
Lots of games have tried to use it but then changed it so they wouldn't get in trouble. They would change it from a cross to an H or other symbols. Halo illegally changed it over the years and no one really noticed it.
For more information on this go here
The New Canon EOS M5
Canon recently released the new EOS M5 Mirrorless camera, which has left a lot of people wondering, is it worth the hefty price tag which starts out at $979.
Why a Mirrorless Camera?
The camera has 24.2 megapixels, but that's not the only reason for the outrageous price tag. The M5 camera has a mirrorless system, which means instead of having a traditional viewfinder, the viewfinder is replaced with an LCD screen. This makes the camera lighter and faster but gives it a bigger price tag. The camera still has a shutter to take pictures, unlike other point and shoot cameras. To understand what a shutter is, visit this link.
Why is this Necessary?
For budding photographers like me, a mirrorless camera can be good for things like bursts, which is taking 5-7 images in one second for action photos. It is also good for run and gun or raw shooting, which is taking one picture, and going with it. The camera is also lighter that DSLR's, which is good for run and gun style images.
The Price
The worst part about buying a mirrorless camera is buying it. Some mirrorless camera can go up to $2,498. Thankfully, that starting price for this camera is $979 but can go up to $1,099, but that's including one of Canons "Kit Lenses".
If you want a camera that is small, light, and fast, then the EOS M5 is a good camera for you, but its price may change your mind. If you want to learn more about this, visit
Why a Mirrorless Camera?
The camera has 24.2 megapixels, but that's not the only reason for the outrageous price tag. The M5 camera has a mirrorless system, which means instead of having a traditional viewfinder, the viewfinder is replaced with an LCD screen. This makes the camera lighter and faster but gives it a bigger price tag. The camera still has a shutter to take pictures, unlike other point and shoot cameras. To understand what a shutter is, visit this link.
Why is this Necessary?
For budding photographers like me, a mirrorless camera can be good for things like bursts, which is taking 5-7 images in one second for action photos. It is also good for run and gun or raw shooting, which is taking one picture, and going with it. The camera is also lighter that DSLR's, which is good for run and gun style images.
The Price
The worst part about buying a mirrorless camera is buying it. Some mirrorless camera can go up to $2,498. Thankfully, that starting price for this camera is $979 but can go up to $1,099, but that's including one of Canons "Kit Lenses".
If you want a camera that is small, light, and fast, then the EOS M5 is a good camera for you, but its price may change your mind. If you want to learn more about this, visit
Fiat Chrysler Accused of Cheating Emissions by EPA
This is an intriguing story about how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accused Fiat Chrysler of cheating the emissions test. The EPA says that Fiat Chrysler used software that allowed the car to produce more nitrous oxide than allowed. Fiat Chrysler denied the claim and said that automakers use "various strategies" to decrease emissions. This isn't the first time a company was accused of cheating. In 2015, Volkswagen was claimed to used the same emission cheats. They admitted that they cheated and will pay a 20 billion dollar fine.
I am not sure if Fiat Chrysler cheated or not, but if they did, they should admit to it.
For more information about the topic visit this link.
I am not sure if Fiat Chrysler cheated or not, but if they did, they should admit to it.
For more information about the topic visit this link.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Global warming could steal Postcard-perfect days!
I read about Global Warming.
Global warming is not exactly warming the earth, it is making weather more extreme. According to some studies, we will lose nine days of summer by the end of the century. Those missing days will be replaced in the spring, fall, or in the winter. From the past three decades the world's average number of mild days is seventy-four. Soon, if we do not change the way we handle this issue, the number of mild days will continue to decrease! On average Washington loses thirteen days, and other states lose much less days. Even though The United States are losing many days, we are the lucky ones...
Africa, Rio de Janeiro, South America, South Asia, and Northern Australia will lose about forty days. On the other hand, developed northern places will gain the nice weather that the tropical areas lost.
Global Warming is becoming a big issue. It is allowing disease carrying insects to fly around and infect everything they touch. Insects thrive in humid, hot weather, so, when global warming starts to make other places hotter, and more humid, the insects will travel to those new places. They will infect crops, and spread sicknesses. In other words global warming actually can steal beautiful, post-card perfect days.
For more on this subject go to... Then, when you come to the home page, click on the three dots at the top of the screen, a menu should pop up... click on the "Tech" category, then click on:
"Study Finds Global Warming Could Steal Postcard-Perfect Days!"
Global warming is not exactly warming the earth, it is making weather more extreme. According to some studies, we will lose nine days of summer by the end of the century. Those missing days will be replaced in the spring, fall, or in the winter. From the past three decades the world's average number of mild days is seventy-four. Soon, if we do not change the way we handle this issue, the number of mild days will continue to decrease! On average Washington loses thirteen days, and other states lose much less days. Even though The United States are losing many days, we are the lucky ones...
Africa, Rio de Janeiro, South America, South Asia, and Northern Australia will lose about forty days. On the other hand, developed northern places will gain the nice weather that the tropical areas lost.
Global Warming is becoming a big issue. It is allowing disease carrying insects to fly around and infect everything they touch. Insects thrive in humid, hot weather, so, when global warming starts to make other places hotter, and more humid, the insects will travel to those new places. They will infect crops, and spread sicknesses. In other words global warming actually can steal beautiful, post-card perfect days.
For more on this subject go to... Then, when you come to the home page, click on the three dots at the top of the screen, a menu should pop up... click on the "Tech" category, then click on:
"Study Finds Global Warming Could Steal Postcard-Perfect Days!"
Faradays Future FF 91
The FF 91 is the new amazing full electric car. The FF 91 is faster than the Bentley Bentayga, Ferrari 488, and Tesla's model X and S and is a lot quieter than the first two cars. The FF 91 also has a lot of self parking capabilities. It can self park itself because of the array of cameras, radars, ultrasonic sensors, and a LIDAR laser sensor that pops out of the hood of the super car. The car also scans your face when you walk up to it it knows who it is, and starts what kind of music you listen to and how far you like the seat. The FF 91 is also a hot spot for your phone. The FF 91 will be produced in 2018 and the price would start at the low hundred thousand range. The super car can go 0-60 mph in 2.33 seconds. FF 91 has a huge 130 kilowatt hour battery. The company wants all sales to be online.
I love cars, my favorite car is the Mclaren P1 but the FF 91 is nothing like my dream car. The FF 91 reminds me a lot of the BMW I8. I love the way it looks it looks so futuristic and sleek. The price is surprisingly low and that's not a bad thing. I love how it can scan your face so it puts your favorite song on and get the seat ready . I love this car but in the future I won't be driving one. I wont be driving one because it does most of the driving for you so your not going to get any better at parking and paying attention when your driving. People learn from there mistakes so if they do get in an accident they will make sure they don't mess up again. I like to be in control of everything that I do so I don't won't be driving this car that can stop and park for you.
I love cars, my favorite car is the Mclaren P1 but the FF 91 is nothing like my dream car. The FF 91 reminds me a lot of the BMW I8. I love the way it looks it looks so futuristic and sleek. The price is surprisingly low and that's not a bad thing. I love how it can scan your face so it puts your favorite song on and get the seat ready . I love this car but in the future I won't be driving one. I wont be driving one because it does most of the driving for you so your not going to get any better at parking and paying attention when your driving. People learn from there mistakes so if they do get in an accident they will make sure they don't mess up again. I like to be in control of everything that I do so I don't won't be driving this car that can stop and park for you.
Is Amazon the Better Voice Choice?
Apple's Siri has been a big hit in the United States, but has Amazon's Alexa taken over?
The article said it best, "It was Web apps, then bots, and now it's voice interfaces.” Voice computing is the best way to keep your hands free and still listen to all your favorite jams, makes it easier to buy needs, and control what happens at home.
Alexa is the main assistant to some of the most popular voice computing sellers, Echo and Dot speakers, off of Amazon towards the end of 2016. Alexa has moved from the next big thing to even bigger opportunities. Amazon's Alexa is now on the search for anything they can get their hands on. From cars to checking the weather for the week, Amazon has won the voice war.
I chose this article because Siri has been around for 5 years and everyone loved it. Now that Amazon's Alexa has gotten more popular, people love it even more. I thought this article was very interesting to go behind the scenes on how the two companies are working situations out but still having a calm attitude in harsh times.
To read more about Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri voice war go to:
The article said it best, "It was Web apps, then bots, and now it's voice interfaces.” Voice computing is the best way to keep your hands free and still listen to all your favorite jams, makes it easier to buy needs, and control what happens at home.
Alexa is the main assistant to some of the most popular voice computing sellers, Echo and Dot speakers, off of Amazon towards the end of 2016. Alexa has moved from the next big thing to even bigger opportunities. Amazon's Alexa is now on the search for anything they can get their hands on. From cars to checking the weather for the week, Amazon has won the voice war.
I chose this article because Siri has been around for 5 years and everyone loved it. Now that Amazon's Alexa has gotten more popular, people love it even more. I thought this article was very interesting to go behind the scenes on how the two companies are working situations out but still having a calm attitude in harsh times.
To read more about Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri voice war go to:
Amazon's Assistant: Alexa
Amazon's personal's assistant: Alexa, is the way to go at home. Speaking to Alexa in your normal voice can turn up your favorite radio stations, ask for news summaries, reorder deodorant, start cooking timers, and so on. Even though it can be a big time-saver, it can mak you lazy using Alexa at home. But, Alexa can control other devices such as Philips Hue bulbs and the Nest Thermostat by just speaking to Alexa to turn them on and other companies can use Alexa im their new products.
Even though Alexa's abilities were limited early on, now it can do everyday things with just the person speaking to Alexa. Alexa has been caught on by other companies and they have been making their own products to fill in their gaps that have Alexa in them. In the past year, Alexa has become the most powerful presence wireless speaker in the smart-home space.
For more information about Alexa and it's abilities, then click the link down below:
Even though Alexa's abilities were limited early on, now it can do everyday things with just the person speaking to Alexa. Alexa has been caught on by other companies and they have been making their own products to fill in their gaps that have Alexa in them. In the past year, Alexa has become the most powerful presence wireless speaker in the smart-home space.
For more information about Alexa and it's abilities, then click the link down below:
The Legends of Zelda: Breath of the Wild review
Available both on Wii U and Nintendo Switch, the Legends of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a fully explorable game with awesome graphics. Dungeons with items are laid out in a predictable order. For many years, The Legends of Zelda company has shown its epochal rubric of dungeons, exploration, and discovery. Items you would probably obtain through story are hidden throughout the game; consequently making the game more hard and fun. Two particular items that you will probably obtain ten minutes through the game is the bow or hookshot. These items can help you get you through dungeons, that have chest containing items; some only obtainable if you have the right item to use. Shrines, about the size of a mini dungeon; Hyrule contains about a hundred
I am especially liking the games graphics and features. It's a hard but fun video game to play and can be played on two game consoles. Unfortunately, my mom wouldn't let me get the game.
I am especially liking the games graphics and features. It's a hard but fun video game to play and can be played on two game consoles. Unfortunately, my mom wouldn't let me get the game.
For more information, click this link below.
The Google Titan
The Google titan
For so long companies like google and Facebook have captured the audiences attention. But now they've done something they said they would do for years but now they finally are gonna do it, they have built a drone that has they internet. It is an internet drone that powers itself. Everyone expected it to not happen but they worked for awhile and have finally done it. They took everyone away from there other jobs to complete the task at hand. It has solar panels on it so it can power itself. It basically seeks to deliver internet to people all over the world so that people every where will have internet.
I think that this is a great idea because it gives everyone anywhere internet when they need it:)
If you want to learn/read more on this story visit the real site.
Airbus taxi
New technology is today! Its fun and exciting, just like the new airbus taxi from airbus. The company is working to make a flying taxi to get people to there destination faster and easier! Without the traffic you are cruising in the air until we arrive at a destination. I picked to do a report on the new and exciting airbus taxi because of the interest and imagination in everyone, in other words kids have dreamed of flying cars and never actually experienced it. "A kids dream is the future our nightmares are today."-Faith Mousaw
(I actually made this up)
The airbus can get to places quick fast. it can go places like no other aircraft can! imagine you are sitting in a flying car and you look out the window, amazing what you see. You see a one of a kind water fall. Adventurous airbus will take you on your dream flight! It`s a bird its a plane, no its the airbus taxi! Get on and enjoy a nice relaxing ride.
For more interesting facts click on the following link or type it in on your device!
(I actually made this up)
The airbus can get to places quick fast. it can go places like no other aircraft can! imagine you are sitting in a flying car and you look out the window, amazing what you see. You see a one of a kind water fall. Adventurous airbus will take you on your dream flight! It`s a bird its a plane, no its the airbus taxi! Get on and enjoy a nice relaxing ride.
For more interesting facts click on the following link or type it in on your device!
Gadget Trash Is Causing Asia To Become Less Green
Gadget trash is causing Asia to become less green.
In Asia people give their old phones, and computers, and electronics they don´t use to people that will smash them up and get rid of them forever. People have started to get worried about that because when they smash the electronics up they just throw them away in the dumpster. People have started to research about the electronics, and results have shown that the electronics have mercury in them, and when they are smashed up the toxins are released into the air. This has caused people to get severely sick.
I have never been to Asia, and I don´t really want to go there after reading this passage because hearing about the mercury coming out of the phones, I don´t want to go there a get sick.
For more about this subject go to
I have never been to Asia, and I don´t really want to go there after reading this passage because hearing about the mercury coming out of the phones, I don´t want to go there a get sick.
For more about this subject go to
Project Valerie
Techno Buffalo Image Credits |
Razer Project Valerie
This is the worlds first 3 screen laptop making a big appearance at CES 2017. This 4K laptop is top of the line right now. Adding to that according to Razer the project weighs less than the newest edition of the Macbook Air. Including to the 4K screen it has beast GeForce GTX 1080 graphics chip which means this thing can use Virtual Reality. Some VR sets it can use is the Oculus rift and HTC Vive. We're still not sure if it will hit the market but we know if it does it is going to cost 10,000-25,000 dollars. To read more about this go to this site.
Nintendo Switch: Crucial or Successful
Nintendo has just announced the Nintendo Switch, a combination of a hand held and a console on January 12th. It has said to come out in stores on March 3rd 2017. Many people are hoping that the Switch will save Nintendo after the failure of the Wii U with only being able to sell 13.4 million copies, which is super low to Nintendo standards. The Nintendo Wii U has been diffidently been over shadowed by other consoles like the PS4, the XBOX 1, and even the Wii. But even though the Wii U wasn't as popular as the PS4 or Wii, it still had at least a few games that were good.
In the revealing trailer in October, Nintendo announced the Switch as a way to play a game as a hand held or a console game. And even two weeks ago, Nintendo announced when it will come out (March 3rd) as well as some games that are coming with it. This alone has made some fans really excited and eager to buy the Switch. In the end, the author made a good argument saying how the Wii U was a failure and how people expect more from the Switch. I am really excited to get the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo is making a risk with the Switch and only fans can hope that the risk was worth it.
To read this story, go to
In the revealing trailer in October, Nintendo announced the Switch as a way to play a game as a hand held or a console game. And even two weeks ago, Nintendo announced when it will come out (March 3rd) as well as some games that are coming with it. This alone has made some fans really excited and eager to buy the Switch. In the end, the author made a good argument saying how the Wii U was a failure and how people expect more from the Switch. I am really excited to get the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo is making a risk with the Switch and only fans can hope that the risk was worth it.
To read this story, go to
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Nintendo's Switch is Important to the Company Nintendo's Future
Going for $300, the new Nintendo Switch was revealed on January 12 (2017), and is supposed to be released on March 3, (2017). It's the most important release from the company so far. Why? Well the Wii U was a "commercial flop." The Switch will prove that Nintendo can still make good quality technology. According to Nintendo's numbers, the Wii U was released in 2012 and only sold 13.4 million copy's around the world, unlike Sony's PlayStation which sold 50 million copy's, even though it was released in 2013- one year after the Wii U. We can even compare it to the Wii- which sold an impressive 102 million console's. The Wii U also hurt Super Mario Maker's profits. If the Switch fails like the Wii U, the company should just give up.
But how did the Wii U fail so badly? Some say it wasn't different enough from the original Wii, or it didn't have the "performance bump" seen on the X-box or the PlayStation. It also didn't help that the Wii U had a screen pad, that made it impossible to hold it, and you can't play games like "Call of Duty" and "Grand Auto Theft" on any Nintendo console.
A quick reveal and sneak peak was shown in October of 2016, and it was revealed that the Switch can be played as a traditional tablet, and can be played as a controller to the gaming system. This idea is incredibly risky- especially since the Switch has a touch screen like the Wii U- but this company is all about taking risks with it's hardware.
Learn more about this topic here
But how did the Wii U fail so badly? Some say it wasn't different enough from the original Wii, or it didn't have the "performance bump" seen on the X-box or the PlayStation. It also didn't help that the Wii U had a screen pad, that made it impossible to hold it, and you can't play games like "Call of Duty" and "Grand Auto Theft" on any Nintendo console.
A quick reveal and sneak peak was shown in October of 2016, and it was revealed that the Switch can be played as a traditional tablet, and can be played as a controller to the gaming system. This idea is incredibly risky- especially since the Switch has a touch screen like the Wii U- but this company is all about taking risks with it's hardware.
Learn more about this topic here
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