Arizona State University has located a metal and potentially ancient asteroid called "16 Psyche" which is thought to be made out of nickel and iron. The asteroid is thought to have been at one time a planet as big as Mars that has taken several collisions and led to this piece of material being ejected away from the celestial body. NASA wants to send an investigation mission to survey the asteroid and possibly learn about the asteroid, but lack the technology needed to mine the asteroid or bring it back to Earth. I think that NASA should invest in bringing this asteroid back to Earth as it is worth a whopping $10,000 quadrillion in minerals such as iron, but a big problem with this is the sheer size of this asteroid. Also, if NASA accidentally slammed a gigantic asteroid into the Earth instead of gently landing it very bad things could happen. NASA thinks this asteroid may also be remnants of a planet's core. NASA plans to launch the spacecraft in October 2023 and will arrive at 16 Psyche in 2030. I think this is a very bad idea because in the past NASA has launched big projects to encounter a very fast moving object such as Halley's comet and they usually spend a lot of money and in some way the mission fails. Of course I could be wrong as with NASA's new technology and safety precautions they have been able to launch some successful missions such as when New Horizons, a space probe launched in 2006, passed Pluto and took images of it in 2015. If the mission is successful, we will learn a lot more about other planets and about some minerals other planets have, but if we fail to rendezvous with an object moving at miles per second NASA will certainly lose much of it's reputation and the mission will be a big failure.
Price of the asteroid provided by Global News
For more information visit USA Today
Hey, this Eli guy made a pretty good point. :(