Microsoft and Nintendo are going toe to toe when it comes to the creation of two next generation gaming consoles. Yes as you have probably heard Microsoft has officially announced Project Scorpio. So has Nintendo with the internet headline Nintendo Switch. Now lets get right into the comparison. First we will compare specs and then special features etc. Project Scorpio is also known as xbox 2. Scorpio will feature 6.2 terraflops of computational power and 320 GB/s of memory bandwidth, Microsoft is aiming for uncompromising 4K UHD resolution gaming with Project Scorpio. The current Xbox One has a throughput of only 1.3 teraflops with a maximum of 200 GB/s of memory bandwidth, making Scorpio over 4.5 times more powerful than the Xbox One. Nintendo Switch has multiple game modes such as multiplayer,tablet and classic modes. The Nintendo Switch internal hardware is not even equivalent to a quarter of Project Scorpio. Therefore Scorpio is the winner.

I really like how you compaired the Microsoft Scropio and the Nintendo Switch. Great job!