Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Emoji that 'crashes' iPhones

There is a new emoji bug that will let you freeze other peoples' phones! If you put in the white flag, a zero, and a rainbow and text it to someone else it will freeze the other person's phone! This bug can freeze someone's phone for 3-5 minutes. This would be a great prank to make someone think their phone is broken! This bug seems to affect iOS 8- iOS 10.2, It was first discovered by the French iOS developer Vincent Desmurs. People think that putting the white flag and the rainbow together your phone will try to make a rainbow flag but putting the zero in interferes and the phone crashes. This bug won't erase any data or put any messages at risk. This bug only works on iPhones, they tested the bug on an android phone and it didn't work. Watch out if your friend ever sends you that text!

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