Thursday, January 19, 2017

Are Air Planes for the Rich only?

Have you ever been on a air plane? Well if you have savor that moment,, because air planes are changing. The price went up almost 12% over the past couple years. Normally the price goes up during summertime, or during Thanksgiving. It has soared higher than before. if you go on a non-stop flight from New York to Los-Angeles is $600+ in July. When it is just $300 or less in May. We are asking, the fuel price has gone down. It was $150 and now a low of $100. This is just crazy, the airlines have to pay less, and yet we pay more. There is a theory about this, in the near future air travel will just be for the rich. Do you believe this could be true? Do you think that only the rich will be able to travel in the air. I think it might happen. The planes are getting more electronic devises, like big TV's. Still, if you don't believe me just keep an eye on the prices. We will never know if it will happen.

If you would like to know more, click this link. 

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