Friday, May 19, 2017

A buyers guide to fitness trackers

This guide for buying objects like apple watches and fitbits is a very helpful link full of information about researching how these things work before you spend around $150. I chose this story because this is something that someone in their everyday life could use and save money while trying to find shop for something that they might like more. Some tricks that this story mentions are don't buy a fitness tracker with features that you won need or use, also that you shouldn't overestimate the easy design of the object that you are potentially going to buy. There is one other question that is definitely that is the most asked question, “which one should I buy?”. When you are thinking about buying a fitness tracker, you should think about what qualities would you want in your device, and look at all the options and think about which is right for you? Before you go to the store and buy your device, make sure to research and figure out which one is right for you and your money.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that this was very helpful . Because what if you wanted to know what it does for you and just go out and buy one. And that is why i thought this was a good article.


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