Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Texalyzer

Over 40,000 people died on the road from texting and driving in 2016. But, the company Cellebrite has made a solution to this. They have made something that can tell you right away if the person in the car crash was on their phone, called the Texalyzer. The piece of technology will go through the phone records and find out the last time the phone was used. This can definitely save America from many crashes but people are thinking differently. Some people think that the Texalyzer is disrupting people's privacy, and are saying things like don't you need a warrant.
When I was younger a very close family friend died in a car while texting and driving. It took a little over 6 months to find out if she really was. So, if we could have known earlier it would've been so much easier to take the news.
For more information visit abc.com


  1. that is going to make this society so much safer

  2. That would prevent so many deaths and car crashes.

  3. this would save so many lives awesome story.

  4. this is great it will prevent more deaths

  5. That's a good idea it will help so many people.


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